Analytic Aesthetics and 20th Century Aesthetics
The Language of Art Criticism
doc. Mgr. Rostislav Niederle, Ph.D.
He studied Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University in Brno. In 1999 he received the Rector's Award for outstanding results in his doctoral studies. He completed his doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Pavel Materna in 2000 with the thesis Indexical Expressions. The text of his doctoral thesis was subsequently published in the journal Organon F. He was habilitated in 2012.
In 1998-2008 he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Theory, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology (FaVU VUT).
In 2000-2003 he chaired the Academic Senate of FaVU VUT. In 2014-2017, he administered the study agenda of FF MU as its Vice Dean for Bachelor's and Master's studies.
Since 2008 he has been teaching at the Seminar of Aesthetics of the Faculty of Arts MU, from 2012 as an associate professor.
He is a member of the editorial board of the philosophical journal ORGANON F (Slovak Republic).
His long-term interest is mainly in analytical aesthetics - analysis of the language of art criticism - or history, aesthetics, art, and culture of the 20th century in general. He publishes reviews, studies, translations of academic texts and fiction.
- Estetika (VUTIUM, VUT Brno 2003)
- Gödelův důkaz, (VUTIUM, VUT Brno 2006)
- Pojmy estetiky: analytický přístup (MU Brno 2012, 2014)