Aesthetics of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Mgr. Lenka Lee, Ph.D.
Lenka Lee is Assistant Professor at Masaryk University (Department of Aesthetics) in Brno. She has been working in the fields of everyday aesthetics, popular culture studies, classical animal fables, and courtly culture. Her early monograph The Treatise De Amore in the Context of Courtly Love searches the set of rules of the courtly love expressed by various literary genres. The traditional animal fables and the change of their position and meaning in the medieval era, especially in the school texts became a starting point for Lee's search of the role of the traditional allegories in popular culture. She often presents and writes papers together with her colleague Ondřej Krajtl focusing on the connection between the traditional and contemporary aesthetics (The Periphery of Concepts: Notes on Dynamics of Some Aesthetic Categories; Everyday aesthetics: aesthetic attitude, distance, and media literacy; The Models of popular culture, the aesthetic function, and Sherlock Holmes). Her recent studies focus on the everyday aesthetics, especially on the characteristic features connecting urban subcultures and rural environments (New Beauty: Between Hipsters and Folklore, The New Era of The Arts and Crafts in Brno from 2000). Lee is a member of The Nordic Network for Women in Aesthetics and Czech Society for Aesthetics and she is also a departmental Erasmus+ and other international mobilities coordinator.
- LEE, Lenka. New Beauty: Between Hipsters and Folklore. Popular Inquiry, 2019, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 43-52.
- LEE, Lenka a Ondřej KRAJTL. Drobné revoluce: streetartové umění v kulisách každodennosti. In Pašteková, Michaela; Brezňan, Peter. Umenie, estetika, politika. Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia pre estetiku, 2019. s. 258-267.
- SVOBODOVÁ, Lenka. Traktát De Amore ve světle dvorské kultury. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012. 110 s. Spisy FF MU v Brně; 410.
- SVOBODOVÁ, Lenka. The Rhetoric of Seduction in the Treatise De Amore. In Madalina Diaconu and Miloš Ševčík. Aesthetics Revisited: Tradition and Perspectives in Austria and the Czech Republic. Neuveden: LIT VERLAG, 2011. s. 51-63.