Mgr. Hana Řehulková, Ph.D.
Education in philosophy, aesthetics, and psychology at Faculty of Art, Masaryk University. Ph.D. in 2015 (thesis: Anglo – American Reception Ingarden's Concept of the Literary Work). 2013 – 2016 psychologist in The Children's Medical Center (The University Hospital Brno), 2014 – 2016 editor of the literary magazine Host. Since 2016, assistant professor at the Department of Aesthetics. Teaching courses Seminar in Aesthetics, Introduction into Philosophy, Psychology of Art, Ingarden's Theory of Literary Work.
- ŘEHULKOVÁ, Hana. Angloamerická recepce Ingardenova pojetí uměleckého literárního díla. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 122 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity.